Grow your career with a coach or a mentor

Have you ever wondered how you can grow your career with a coach or a mentor? Coaches and mentors can both play an important role for advancing in career but I know that there is often some confusion in the difference between the two and how beneficial these role-players can be. So in this post, […]

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How to improve your self-awareness

Self-awareness; develop self-awareness;

The one thing I have tried to actively work on since the beginning of the year is my self-awareness. At first, it wasn’t intentional, the events that were happening in my life kinda forced me to introspect and do some serious inner work. I’ve got a long way to go, but so far, it’s been […]

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Life update, the career edition

Something new is brewing in my career space, which has me buzzing with excitement – there’s nothing quite like the new-job glow; I’m not even snoozing my alarm clock anymore! Earlier this year, I knew that I needed to make a change and challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone once again.   Never stop […]

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Kick start your journey as a Momprenuer


I’ve been playing around with the idea of becoming a Mompreneur and starting my own business more than usual lately. Whenever I’m with my varsity friends, as I was this weekend, they’ll always remind me of how I was working 2 jobs and running a business from my first year. I have always been a busy […]

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